Our School - Our Staff

We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff at Three Springs Primary School. We share the goal of improving student achievement of all our learners and work hard to support them to do so.

Our staff range in their experience from Graduate Teachers to those with years of experience. They work collaboratively to support each other and to make sure that the best interests of all students are at the forefront in their teaching and learning practices.

Administration Staff:

Mrs Corie Lobwein 


Mrs Kylie Mutter

Manager of Corporate Services

Mrs Sandy Couper

Manager of Corporate Services


Teaching Staff:

Mrs Lee Doig

Kindergarten/Pre-Primary Teacher

Miss Nicole Watling

Year 1/2 Teacher

Mr Mark Marshall

Year 3/4 Teacher

 Mrs Janine Haeusler

Yr 3/4 Science Teacher

Miss Emma Bradstock

Year 5/6 Teacher/Music

Mrs Fran Whale

Health and PE Teacher


Education Assistants:

Miss Deb Mallard - Early Childhood & AIEO

Miss Terrie Holender

Mrs Kirsten Smith


Support Staff:

Miss Margariet Metsemakers

Library Office/Cleaner

  Mr Hendrik Greyling - Gardener