Our School - School Priorities
As part of our ongoing Business Plan for 2016-2018 we have five key initiatives to support with the improvement and development of every child here at Three Springs Primary School.
1. Improved Student Achievement
- Improve student attendance
- Embed the West Australian Curriculum into planning, teaching and assessment.
- Enhance learning opportunites for all students.
- Identify timely and specific assessment processes to allow for the systematic collection of relevant data for Three Springs PS and our students.
- Digital technologies embraced and used to enhance teaching and learning programs.
2. Developing Successful Classroom Educators
- Build the capacity of staff to develop and implement quality, engaging learning programs that meet the diverse needs of students.
- Establish a culture of continuous professional learning.
- Develop partenerships/links with neighbouring schools in order to colaborate and network.
- Teachers to possess a common language of instruction and engage in disciplined dialogue.
- Staff use reflective practices to develop programs to improve student achievement and their own skills
- Whole school approach to improving teacher quality using the AITSL standards.
3. Providing a safe and inviting learning environment
- Classrooms are safe, supportive and engaging learning environments for all.
- The school environment is inviting and aesthetically pleasing.
- Learning spaces are consistent with National quality Standards (NQS).
4. Foster a school culture based on positive behaviours and wellbeing
- Model and promote positive interpersonal behaviours and communication practices.
- Positive Behaviour Support Model implemented to educate students about behavioural choices.
- Educated students in personal safety.
- Educate students about living a healthy lifestyle.
5. Establish effective partnerships with families and the community
- Increase parent and community involvement with the school
- Build relationships with local businesses and community groups to enhance teaching and learning programs.
- Create a more informed school community through open communication and actions.
- Develop two-way support between an active P & C and school.
- Promote parent and school comminity engagement in decision making.
- Supportive and engaged parents.
- Strenghten the belif that Three Springs PS is the school of choice for families.